Monday, April 7, 2014

Ai Weiwei Never Sorry Review

    The documentary, Ai Weiwei Never Sorry, directed by Alison Klayman, is about Ai Weiwei’s art and his influence on china. Ai Weiwei’s art reflects on the government and how they treat the regular citizen. The main purpose of the film is to show the true nature of the Chinese government. In 2011, Ai Weiwei was arrested for being so outspoken against the government. This documentary does an excellent job of showing the public response to Ai Weiwei’s arrest. “What can they do to me? none other than deportation, kidnapping and imprisonment, or make me completely vanish. @aww.”

Some themes that were in this documentary include hope, fear, censorship, and standing up for what you believe in. Hope is the driving force for Ai Weiwei. The only reason why he does what he does is because he believes that there is a chance for a better China. Another theme in the film is fear. Ai Weiwei is always living in fear. Ai Weiwei has to act brave even when he is afraid. He says “If you don’t act, the danger becomes stronger.” We also see fear in The Red Scarf Girl by Ji-Li Jiang. The Jiang family is living in constant fear of the red guards and being arrested. They deal with this fear in a very different way than Ai Weiwei. Ai Weiwei acts brave while the Jiang family has trouble sleeping. Another theme that we see in the documentary Ai Weiwei Never Sorry is censorship. The film shows how much the Chinese government censors the internet. The Chinese government blocks twitter and they withheld the names of all of the kids that died in the Sichuan earthquake. Ai Weiwei's name is one of the many things that China censors on the internet. "They all ask: Why? Why is it that this man’s name [Ai Weiwei] can never be typed on a Chinese computer or the whole sentence will disappear?"  The final, and most important theme in this film is stand up for what you believe in. Ai Weiwei stands up for what he believes in even though it endangers him. Ai Weiwei is also a very inspirational person. At the demolition of Ai Weiwei’s art studio, hundreds of people came, even though they put themselves in danger. "Citizens should bear the responsibility to act."

The quality of this film was phenomenal. As a viewer, I was able to relate it to real life. We hear lots of news from China these days, and the documentary on Ai Weiwei showed a first hand experience on what was going on in China. In many of Ai Weiwei’s art pieces, he is giving the middle finger. Ai Weiwei used this symbol to show his displeasure about the current Chinese government. The documentary uses the symbol and the meaning of the middle finger to great affect.  

This film was very interesting, It gave the viewers a real sense of what is going on in China today with all of the internet censorship.


  1. This story of Ai Weiwei relates to the book "the Red Scarf Girl" in that it talks of people being afraid but trying to be brave against their government. This also relates to the fact in the book that they often try and hide things from the government like when they make their old silk dresses into furnishings or paint their chests black so that the Red Gaurd will not think of searching them.

  2. Ai Weiwei is very open. He wants the world to know how he feels and how he wants to act. He posts his thoughts daily on twitter and let's his followers know what he did and what it hopefully accomplished. He enjoys talking to the press and sharing his ideas with the world.

  3. Ai Weiwei uses his art to express his opinions to great affect. with his piece with all of the sunflower seeds, he showed that there is lots of diversity in china if you look close.

  4. Ai WeiWei is an artist like no other, he dared to do things no one else could, and this is shown in his documentary many times. Flipping off the government on one of his art pieces shows that he doesn't care what anyone thinks about him. Ai WeiWei is very open with everyone and wants the world to know his ideas.

  5. This review is talking about how Ai WeiWei wants to change the way china is. He shows that by the paintings he draws and by the art work he does he expresses how he feels about China and that we should change it make it a better place cause he thinks that you should be able to express your self.
