Thursday, May 22, 2014

70% of Taiwan People want cross-strait pact

A public survey in Taipei shows that 70.4% of Taiwan people want to review the controversial cross-Strait service trade pact clause by clause. In this survey published by Taiwan's mainland affairs department, about 42.5 percent supported the pact, and about 40.1 percent were against it. The service trade pact (signed in June 2013) liberalizes and normalizes service trade between China and Taiwan and even opens up mutual markets. The agreement was that the main land will open 80 service sectors to Taiwan and Taiwan will open 64 sectors to the mainland. In mid march, hundreds of students protested against the pact because they saw it as “undemocratic”, and the protest was over by April 10. The island administrator has agreed to review the pact once more and submit a draft involving the people's concerns on the cross-strait agreement. It will take some time for everyone to sign an agreed version. About 58.8 percent of people considered the cross-strait consultation as a benefit for the region's stability.

1 comment:

  1. I just put in the picture for this post she made. I think that this is pretty interesting to me because 70% of it, is a lot of people. I did not know about this till now. Showing that many people in china, could be a big impact on China today & way back in the 1900's.
