Monday, May 12, 2014

One-Child Policy is dangerous in China

China’s One-Child Policy is the worst policy in China. For women, it is very dangerous and frightening. Women are only allowed to have one child. If they have more than one child or are pregnant, they have to get an abortion. Approximately, 35.9% of China’s population are only children because of the One-Child policy. This policy was introduced in 1979 for the social, economic, and environmental problems in China. During the period of Chairman Mao’s leadership of China, the crude birth rate fell from 37 to 20 per thousand, infant mortality declined from 227/1000 births in 1949 to 53/1000 in 1981. The one-child policy has been challenged in principle and in practice for violating the human right to determine the size of one’s own family. Chairman Mao claims that he has China's best interests in mind, but from what we are looking at now, it is clear that he didn't. The One-Child policy is proof of this. The fertility rate in China fell from 2.63 births per woman in 1980 to 1.61 in 2009. Ji-Li Jiang and her family had to follow Mao’s restrictions for China. In China, parents are willing to have boys instead of girls because they believe that men have a better chance of getting jobs, money, food, and working for their family. The One-Child policy is a complete restriction of basic human rights. A family is only allowed to have one child otherwise, they will be punished or killed.    



  1. This policy is the main driving force for human trafficking into China. The Chinese government is trying to fix the human trafficking problem, but it won't go away.

  2. This policy causes many girls to go to orphanages. Because the Chinese are only allowed to have one child, they usually want a boy to carry on the heritage. If they have a girl they are either killed or deposited at an orphanage. This causes many girls to have ruined lives if they cant find a family.
